Mitosis Testnet Airdrop

About the Mitosis Expedition Campaign

Mitosis is a unified liquidity protocol that redefines cross-chain liquidity. Mitosis maximizes conventionally idle cross-chain assets’ utilization and yield potential by imbuing composability to its locked assets.

Liquid restaking tokens (LRT) have the potential to become the next-generation DeFi primitive. In the near future, LRTs must exist in hundreds, if not thousands, of modular rollups. Mitosis is the partner in LRT’s inevitable multi-chain transition.

The Mitosis Expedition campaign is where LRT’s cross-chain expansion begins. Mitosis partnered with the LRT market leader, EtherFi, to spearhead eETH’s multi-chain transition as Expedition’s first companion.

The Expedition Testnet campaign is a 7-day pre-mainnet program on the Sepolia and Cardona testnets.

More than 300,000 wallet addresses were pre-registered for Expedition Testnet. Check out our latest blog post for more information on Expedition.

Step by step guide

Expedition Testnet Faucet

. Obtain Sepolia ETH:

  • Use any of the provided 3rd party faucets to acquire Sepolia ETH for covering gas fees.

2. Obtain Sepolia eETH:

  • Use the Mitosis Expedition Testnet Faucet. Alternatively, if you encounter issues with the Mitosis Faucet, you can acquire Sepolia eETH from the Uniswap app on testnet.

3. Deposit eETH:

  • Visit the “Deposit” page on the Expedition website.
  • Connect your wallet.
  • Ensure your network is set to Sepolia.
  • Choose the network to deposit and specify the desired amount of eETH.
  • Click “Deposit.”
  • Confirm your transaction.
  • Import miweETH to your wallet.
  • Verify your miweETH balance to begin earning MITO Points.

4. Redeem miweETH:

  • Go to the “Redeem” page on the Expedition website.
  • Connect your wallet.
  • Choose the network to redeem and specify the desired amount.
  • Click “Redeem.”
  • Follow the network switching prompts on your wallet.
  • Confirm your transaction.
  • Verify your retrieved eETH balance.

5.Holding miweETH:

During the Expedition Testnet, you can either hold your miweETH for Testnet MITO Points or Redeem it. While holding miweETH in any of the four networks earns you Testnet MITO Points, the three L2 networks have a higher Boost multiple than Ethereum. Additionally, each network will have different Epochs and Epoch Boosts based on respective TVL status. Make your own Expedition strategy to maximize your Boost multiple and Testnet MITO Point earnings.

You can’t directly move miweETH cross-chain at the moment. If you want to move your miweETH to another network, you have to redeem it, bridge it, and then deposit it to another network

Bridges: ArbitrumOptimismPolygon zkEVM


The Expedition Testnet will last only for 7 days. Participate early, earn Testnet MITO Points, and claim various Expedition Mainnet benefits.

  • Start: 15:00 UTC on March 8th
  • End: 15:00 UTC on March 15th

Epochs and Deposit Thresholds

The program has four stages called Epochs. Each Epoch (except for Epoch 4) has an eETH deposit limit. The next Epoch begins when the previous deposit threshold is reached.

  • Epoch 1: 32,768 eETH
  • Epoch 2: 65,536 eETH
  • Epoch 3: 160,000 eETH
  • Epoch 4: No cap

Network breakdown and respective Testnet MITO Point Boosts are as follows:

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